Horses and Dressage

This site is a place for me to talk about horses, dressage and equine products.

Tuesday, March 22, 2005

3 more days until the 1st horseshow

There are three more days until the first horseshow of the season. And am I ready....! But that is okay, we are going just to have fun. This season I am making an attempt to move up to Second Level. And I can do all the moves in the Second Level Test 1, however they are not pretty. So I am going with a we'll see what happens attitude.

Now as far as being ready to go, still not ready. Dublin is shedding hair like crazy (as mentioned in a previous post). However for a horse that doesn't grow much winter coat and one that has been shedding like he has, we still have a ways to go. But he is getting down to the new hair and looking a lot less dull.

I made my annual pre-horseshow shopping trip to the local tack store. I loaded up on the very expensive horse shampoo, the very expensive horse glossy spray stuff and all the other doodads we Dressage Queens can't live with out. Would someone please tell me why I buy the cheapest shampoo made for myself, and then I spend well over $10 on a small bottle for my horse? It just doesn't make sense, even to me!

Tomorrow I'll practice my tests, clean my tack (for the first time in way too long) and wash my show clothes. Oh yeah, and try on that riding jacket and see if it fits. If it doesn't then I am not sure what I will do. Nothing like waiting until the last minute.


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