Horses and Dressage

This site is a place for me to talk about horses, dressage and equine products.

Monday, May 01, 2006

Testing driving tractors

So, with the new farm purchase only days away, we decided to go look at tractors. My husband is a city boy and has never spent a lot of time on farms. I on the other hand, am always on a farm and playing with tractors is a common event. But this was going to be fun. So off we go on Saturday for the tractor store which sold New Holland and Kubotas.

We talked to the salesman for a while and of course he directed us right out to the new Kubota L series. These are great tractors for the equestrian. However they have a lot of bells and whistles not normally needed. Especially the fancy transmition. Much to the disappointment of the salesman, we decided we wanted to look at the MX5000 model, or as he called it, the "economy model". This model has manual transmition and not all the fancy thingies on it that will just break. He gave us the keys and off we went.

I didn't know you could test drive tractors, but you can, and we did. We had races around the outside of the showroom. And I took the tractor over a curb so fast that I bounced out of the seat which caused it to shut down. After I stopped laughing, I started it back up and off to the races. I am convinced that my husband and I took five years off the salesman life that day. But hey, you got to get your giggles where you can.